08:57 < Chris_RIPENCC> Good morning everyone, I'll be chat moderator for this second Address Policy Working Group session. If you have any questions or comments that you'd like read out over the microphone, please post them here, along with your name and and affiliation
08:58 -!- jpc1 [~jpc [at] 62 [dot] 83 [dot] 116 [dot] 236 [dot] dyn [dot] user [dot] ono [dot] com] has joined #ap
08:58 -!- ripe771 [~3e5374ec [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
08:59 < jpc1> 7
08:59 -!- Amanda_RIPENCC [~agowland [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
08:59 -!- ripe736 [~2e1f7fa0 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
09:00 -!- BertWijnen [~c10001d9 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
09:00 -!- ripe736 is now known as wtremmel-decix
09:00 < BertWijnen> Hi.. is there supposed to be a video stream active?
09:01 < Chris_RIPENCC> Hi Bert
09:01 < tom_ripencc> there will be, we're just having some tech issues at the moment :-(
09:01 < Chris_RIPENCC> there will be
09:01 -!- ripe490 [~8a422037 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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09:03 < BertWijnen> I see video now. Thanks
09:04 -!- thinker [~528f060b [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
09:07 < Chris_RIPENCC> The first speaker is Sander Steffann on "What Is Consensus"?
09:07 -!- stolpe [~stolpe [at] tom [dot] bombadil [dot] se] has joined #ap
09:08 -!- rvs [ruben [at] erg [dot] verweg [dot] com] has joined #ap
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09:15 < Chris_RIPENCC> Any questions for Sander?
09:15 -!- E1-6695 [~E1-6695 [at] computerfreak [dot] de] has joined #ap
09:17 < BertWijnen> Very good Sander
09:19 -!- fil [~5bd0580d [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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09:22 -!- Kralian_dk-denet [~amd [at] 91 [dot] 100 [dot] 101 [dot] 248 [dot] generic-hostname [dot] arrownet [dot] dk] has joined #ap
09:23 -!- brian [~bnisbet@2001:67c:64:42:2a37:37ff:fe19:e6da.] has joined #ap
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09:27 -!- nick-LJU [~anonymous@2001:67c:64:42:226:8ff:fedc:d2f9.] has joined #ap
09:28 < Chris_RIPENCC> the next speaker is Rob Blokzijl, presenting the IPv4 Maintenance Policy
09:32 -!- fil [~5bd0580d [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
09:39 -!- ioc32 [~ioc [at] dhcp-26-188 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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09:44 < Chris_RIPENCC> are there any questions for Rob?
09:56 -!- ripe351 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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10:00 < Chris_RIPENCC> the next speaker is Gert Döring on IPv6 PI/PA unification
10:05 < nick-LJU> i have !clue on the HD ratio
10:05 < nick-LJU> it's one of those boxes labelled "magic. do not touch or attempt to understand."
10:09 -!- ripe820 [~bce6a476 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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10:16 -!- devin [~Adium [at] baboon [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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10:18 < ripe160> hd stand for?
10:19 < TS_680> host density
10:19 -!- ripe160 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
10:19 -!- ripe539 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
10:19 < ripe539> and rd?
10:19 < matjaz> 6rd
10:19 < ripe539> ??
10:20 < rhe> 6RD == IPv6 'Rapid Deployment.' A way of encoding the entire IPv4 address space into each provider's IPv6 space.
10:20 < TS_680> rapid deployment of IPv6 - a protocol
10:20 < ripe539> oh thanks
10:20 < ripe539> :)
10:21 -!- Nejc [~59d43251 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ap
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10:23 < matjaz> if you give /30 for 6rd, you can address up to 4 x /64 (/62 for end users)
10:23 -!- Amanda_RIPENCC [~agowland [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Amanda_RIPENCC]
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11:46 < ripe869> Here Ingrid from RIPE NCC. Regarding Shane's question, at them oment it is one allocation per LIR
11:47 < ripe869> There are a few cases in which an LIR with IPv6 merged with another LIR that also had IPv6 allocation
11:47 < ripe869> thus ending up with two. These are rare, though
11:48 -!- ripe869 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ipv6 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
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