Tutorial: Resource Certification (RPKI)
Tutorial: Debugging your DNS
Newcomers' Intro
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- Dr. Žiga Turk, Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Welcome to Ljubljana
- Jan Žorž (Go6), Marko Bonač (Arnes), Andrej Kos (LTFE) - Welcome from the Hosts
- Serge Radovcic - Intro
- Marko Bonač, Arnes - Welcome from Arnes
- Andrej Kos, LTFE - Welcome from LTFE
- Franc Dolenc, Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia - Welcome
- Serge Radovcic, RIPE NCC - Opening Plenary - Welcome
- Todd Underwood - Message from the RIPE Programme Committee
- Greg Hankins - Pushing the Limits, a Perspective on Router Architecture Challenges
- Richard A. Steenbergen, nLayer Communications - MPLS RSVP-TE Auto-Bandwidth: Lessons Learned
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- Gorazd Bozic, ARNES, SI-CERT - Would Kafka Write About Google and Clouds?
- Mike Hearn, Google - Abuse at Scale
- Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC - 20 Years of the RIPE NCC. 1992 to the present
- Nigel Titley, Chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board - 20 Years of the RIPE NCC. So where are we today?
- Geoff Huston, APNIC - 20 Years of the RIPE NCC. Where will we be in 5, 10 or 20 years?
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Webcast Recordings
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Webcast Recordings
- Joseph Gersch, Secure64 Software Corporation, Dan Massey, Colorado State University - BGP Route Origin Verification Using Reverse-DNS
- Alex Band, RIPE NCC - Resource Certification (RPKI) Security, Resilience, Relying Party Autonomy, etc.
- Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan - Relying/Issuing Parties and ROA Validation
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Webcast Recordings
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Webcast Recordings
- Sandra Brown, IPv4 Market Group - IPv4 Transaction Process - part 1
- Sandra Brown, IPv4 Market Group - IPv4 Transaction Process - part 2
- Matjaž Straus Istenič, ARNES - Poor Man’s DoS Protection
- David Temkin, Netflix - Netflix Content Delivery in Europe - Performance of UK/Irish ISPs
- Edward Lewis, Neustar, Inc. - Looking at TLD DNSSEC Practices
- Fearghas McKay, EIX-WG Chair - A Plenary Discussion Regarding French Governmental Transnational Regulation of Peering
Address Policy
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Webcast Recordings
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Webcast Recordings
- Jim Reid - Agenda
- Robert Kisteleki - RIPE NCC Report
- Benjamin Zwittnig - DNSSEC in .si
- Willem Toorop, NLnetLabs - Dnssexy
- Patrick Wallstrom, IIS - Quality of DNS and DNSSEC in the .se Zone
- DNSSEC: Dealing With Hosts That Don’t Get Fragments - Roland M. van Rijswijk, SURFnet Middleware Services
- Jim Reid - Follow up on earlier discussions
- Edward Lewis, Neustar Inc - Plenary follow up (TLD DNSSEC)
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Webcast Recordings
- Fearghas McKay - EIX Working Group
- Remco van Mook - Comparison of Interconnection Markets
- Arnold Nipper - Interconnecting IXPs
- Kurtis Lindqvist - The History of Peering in Europe and What This Can Teach Us About the Future
- Martin Levy - Jumbo Frames
- Harald Michl - Updated IXP Wish List – Last Call for Comments
- Bijal Sanghani - Euro-IX Update
- Eric Nguyenduy - IXP 30 Sec Updates & Lightning Talks
- LINX - IXP 30 Sec Updates & Lightning Talks
- Tomoya Yoshida, JPNAP - IXP 30 Sec Updates & Lightning Talks
- IXP 30 Sec Updates & Lightning Talks - IXP 30 Sec Updates & Lightning Talks
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Webcast Recordings
- Peter Janssen, EURid - YADIFA Update
- Ondřej Surý, CZ.NIC - Knot Update
- Jakob Schlyter, OpenDNSSEC - OpenDNSSEC Status Update
- Robert Kisteleki, RIPE NCC - ATLAS Measurements & Tools
- Dave Knight, ICANN - Dense Anycast Deployment of DNS Authority Servers
- Peter Koch, Panel Chair - Panel Discussion on DNSChanger
- Jaap - AOB
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RIPE NCC Services
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Webcast Recordings
- Kurt Erik Lindqvist - Welcome
- Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC - RIPE NCC Update
- Andrew de la Haye, RIPE NCC - Member Services Developments
- Niall O’Reilly - Services for Legacy Resource Holders
- Andrea Cima, RIPE NCC - IPv4 Final Distribution Process
- Jochem de Ruig, RIPE NCC - Cross-border Law Enforcement
- Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC - The Future of the TTM & DNSMON Services
- Kurt Erik Lindqvist - A.O.B.
RIPE NCC General Meeting
Address Policy
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Webcast Recordings
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Webcast Recordings
- Marco Hogewoning - Welcome
- Erika Hersaeus, PTS (Swedish Post and Telecom Authority) - Deploying IPv6 in the Swedish Public Sector
- Susannah Gray - Update from the RIPE NCC
- Marco Hogewoning - Update from the RIPE NCC
- Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC - IPv6 RIPEness Update
- Ragnar Anfinsen, Altibox - Quick Status Update on Altibox IPv6 Roll Out
- Joseph Gersch, Secure64 SW Corp - Reverse DNS Domain Names for IPv6 Address Blocks
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Webcast Recordings
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Webcast Recordings
- WG chairs (Wilfred Woeber, Nigel Titley) - Administrative Matters
- Alex Band and Denis Walker, RIPE NCC - RIPE NCC Database Update
- Peter Koch - unscheduled discussion
- Robert Kisteleki - New Database Widgets in RIPEstat
- Wilfried Woeber, Ulf Kieber - Geolocation - Review of Implementation of “auth:” Filtering
- Wilfried Woeber - Input from APWG
- Wilfried Woeber - Conclusion
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- Amund Kvalbein, Simula - Mobile Broadband Measurement
- Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC - Useful and Cool New Things in RIPEstat and RIPE Atlas
- George Michaelson, APNIC - APNIC Measurement of IPv6 Using Paid Advertising
- Tiziana Refice and Meredith Whittaker - MLab Update
- Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC - RIPE NCC Measurement Strategy 2012/2013
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NRO/RIR Reports
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Webcast Recordings
- Nick Hyrka - RIR/NRO Reports introduction
- Ernest Byaruhanga, Policy Manager - AfriNIC Update
- Leslie Nobile, Director, Registration Services - ARIN Update
- Paul Wilson, Director General - APNIC Update
- Carlos Martínez, R&D Engineer - LACNIC Update
- Paul Wilson, APNIC Director General - NRO EC Update
- Andrea Cima, RIPE NCC - NRO Statistics
- Filiz Yilmaz, Senior Director of Participation and Engagement - IANA Update
- Programme Committee Candidates - RIPE Programme Committee Elections
Closing Plenary
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